Learn how to get the best quality content from Article Forge:
Keywords set the overall focus and direction of your article. Because of this, it is critical to clearly state your intent for the article here.
Enter your keyword as a natural phrase and make sure it describes your intent.
Note: Long tail-keywords work well because they describe intent better than short-tail keywords.
In general, words like best, top, reasons, who, what, when, where, why, and how help signal intent in your article.
Good Keyword:
Best dog breeds for families with young children
Bad Keyword:
dog breeds
Good Keyword:
Where should I snorkel in Mexico?
Bad Keyword:
places to snorkel
Good Keyword:
What are the ten best credit cards
Bad Keyword:
Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card
Good Keyword:
Texas Hold'em strategies
Bad Keyword:
Texas Hold'em
Good Keyword:
how small businesses can get ahead with SEO
Bad Keyword:
SEO strategy
This optional field tells Article Forge what to write about in more specific terms. This can impact the section headings Article Forge writes and how Article Forge ties different ideas together.
Enter your instructions in natural language in the Instructions field below the Keyword field.
We recommend writing a sentence or two about what you want the article to contain or writing a brief description of your intent and adding a list of the sub topics you want brought up.
This allows you to add infinitely more content to any Article Forge article.
Place your cursor in any text section and click Compose (or press CTRL+Enter). Wait a few seconds then toggle through the suggested options and choose the text you like best.
We recommend adding section or sub section headings and having Article Forge Compose from there. This will make sure your new content is focused and continues to add value to your article.
You can also add leading sentences or phrases to give Article Forge more direction to follow when expanding your articles.
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